dIAG Mode - 2006 - 2016 R6

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dIAG Mode - 2006 - 2016 R6

Post by ohioyj »

dIAG Mode
The R6 has a very advanced self diagnostic system. Anytime your check engine light comes on you can use it to figure out why it's on.

To enter DIAG Mode:
- Press and hold the Select and Reset buttons on the gauge cluster.
- Turn the key on (kill switch in run position). (Still holding both Select and Reset buttons) Your gauge cluster should have H1 up in the right hand corner:


- Continue to hold the Select and Reset buttons until dIAG appears on the gauge cluster (Should happen within 8-10 seconds).


- When dIAG appears on the gauge cluster, release both the Select and Reset buttons.
- Now to "activate" diagnostic mode, you once again need to press and hold both the Select and Reset buttons, except this time the screen should change within a couple seconds.
- At this point you should see d01 : XX, d01 is the test mode for the TVS sensor.


- To exit dIAG mode, simply turn the key off.

Diagnostic Codes

Once in diagnostic mode, these "self-tests" are available. Many of these will just display the value the sensor is currently reading. Others however you are able to activate those items by flipping the kill switch. For example flipping the kill switch on 36, will activate the Primary Injector #1, 5 times, once a second.

01 - TVS signal, 12-21 - 97-106
02 - Atmospheric Pressure
03 - Intake Air Pressure
05 - Intake Air Temperature
06 - Coolant Temperature
07 - Vehicle Speed Pulse
08 - Lean Angle Sensor, 0.4-1.4 Upright, 3.7-4.4 Overturned
09 - Fuel System Voltage
13 - TVS Signal 2, 9-23 - 94-106
14 - TPS Signal, 12-22 - 97-107
15 - TPS Signal 2, 10-24 - 95-109
20 - Kickstand Switch
21 - Neutral Switch
30 - Coil #1
31 - Coil #2
32 - Coil #3
33 - Coil #4
36 - Primary Injector #1
37 - Primary Injector #2
38 - Primary Injector #3
39 - Primary Injector #4
40 - Secondary Injector #1
41 - Secondary Injector #2
42 - Secondary Injector #3
43 - Secondary Injector #4
48 - Air Induction Solenoid
50 - Fuel Injection Relay
51 - Radiator Fan Motor Relay
52 - Headlight Relay
53 - EXUP Servo
60 - EE Prom Fault Cylinder Number
61 - Code History, Codes will cycle every two seconds if more than one.
62 - Erase Codes
63 - Code Reinstate
70 - Control Number
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